Galatia, Inc.

About Galatia:
Company info, our staff, our culture, employment, our name

Why choose Galatia
for your web needs

What Galatia can do for you:
Demos, Experience, Showcase designs, Selected clients, Get your website listed

More info:
Contact us, Request a quote, Become a partner, Ad archives, Free web resources

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Project Experience:

Project Experience for Galatia Clients
San José State University Continuing Education
Stanford University

Venture Capitalists
Crescendo Ventures

eBusiness Exchanges

Event Management

    Financial Institutions
Irwin Home Equity
Mortgage Mart


High Technology and Technology Manufacturing
Chip Express Corporation

Software Development
Stagecast Software


Client statement about Galatia:

We started with a seed of an idea, and Galatia helped us to make it a reality. Their flexibility and willingness to work with us as we developed and refined our database specifications were a true asset. Their technical expertise helped us get our vision started and laid the groundwork for our future successes.
— Wayne McVicker, Neoforma Inc.

Client description: Neoforma is a venture-funded Silicon Valley startup featured in Fortune Magazine that uses web technology to alter the way medical products and equipment are bought and sold. It had its IPO in January 2000.

Project description: The Neoforma vision was to define their company as the entryway to the web for the medical devices industry. From its inception, Neoforma worked with Galatia to establish a robust and comprehensive product and vendor database for the medical devices market. Galatia worked with Neoforma to define and redefine the database specifications and develop a full-featured demonstration, which was helpful in securing venture capital funding.

System features for administrators:

  • Vendor and product updates using on-line forms
  • Automatic mailing lists creation based on user-provided information
  • Integration of web-gathered information into back end databases
  • Web site visitor tracking to understand clients' needs and interests
  • Ad hoc reports describing users' interests
  • Customer and vendor information retention for future reference
  • Attracting and retaining targeted audiences by presenting relevant, detailed vendor and product information

System features for vendors:

  • Upload product and company information
  • Add, delete, and modify product information
  • Utilize web technologies to send additional product information electronically

System features for users:

  • Access a robust, comprehensive database of vendors and their products
  • Generate custom reports about vendors and their products
  • Provide automated responses to on-line requirements
  • Retain search information for future reference


Galatia Web Services, Inc. 1153 Bordeaux Dr. Suite 202 Sunnyvale, CA 94089
(408) 743-9000 voice, (408) 743-9009 fax, email

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